Simple Traffic Generation Techniques

Simple Traffic Generation Techniques : Drive Traffic To Your Website

For every blogger, the main part for focusing his/her blog is about traffic generation techniques. The question which is asked by many readers as how to drive traffic to website?

Is there any easy or shortcut to drive traffic to website? Why bloggers are mad to learn these traffic generation techniques? These are some questions which highlighted in front of me.

I would like to tell all those beginners who are seeking for some simple techniques by which they can drive traffic to their blog that traffic driving matters a lot for a blogger. One of the main aims of a blogger is to drive traffic to their blog.

How To Get Traffic To My Website ? Few Simple Tips :

For a newbie, it is a dream to get visitors in the figure of thousands per day. When a blogger starts his/her journey to achieve the goal to drive traffic to website then there are many traffic generation techniques needed to be learnt by him/her.

Don’t know why it is a major issue among newbies as they are not getting much traffic.

Is there a way by which they can multiply their visitors? Why is that particular website is driving more traffic? Why not mine? I mean how can you learn if you continue to worry about others?

For beginners, I would like to provide them some quick traffic generation techniques by which they can increase visitors to their blog. These are not the tips which you are not aware of? The only thing is to know about these tips.These are genuine tips to follow.

  • Guest Blogging :- As you have heard about guest blogging, it is a form of blogging when bloggers write for any other blog. It is the simple and effective way to show readers about you and your content writing. For newbies to start guest blogging it is recommended to find any famous blog which receives more traffic. To check any famous blog Alexa is the key. Bloggers can write any post related to the niche in which they can show their ability. When it comes to quality content then people love to visit that blog. If you are providing the post at any blog then readers will be interested as if you have written a post with quality at other’s blog then it’s obvious to provide amazing quality on your own blog. This kind of stuff will stick to reader’s mind. In my opinion, for beginners, guest blogging is included in good traffic generation techniques.
  • Learn SEO – Search Engine Optimization :- SEO has a great concern for every blogger. Bloggers need to learn search engine optimization to drive traffic to website. When it comes to SEO, bloggers get their mind in an active position within a second. SEO is the word at which beginners should concentrate. If you have better SEO then your post will appear at the higher place in Google search. As you have noticed the tendency of any internet users or even your’s, when you search for any topic then it’s obvious to click on the post which is at the top. If you get succeed to improve the SEO of your blog then you will automatically get more visitors at your blog.
  • Quality Is What You Need:- The most emphasizing way to drive traffic to website is the quality of the blog. It is about the appearance of your blog, the way you organize your posts, what is about your content? All these quality stuff are required. As you may heard that “content is king“. It’s not just a phrase, you have to focus on it. If you have the potential to provide good quality content at your blog then it will attract many visitors. You can relate to yourself when you find the content which is worth reading then you will like to visit that particular blog again.
  • Go For Viral Marketing :- In today’s modern era many people like to hear and watch instead of reading. You all know how YouTube has their great turnover in a year? You can also be a part of that. To drive traffic to website you can upload any video related to the niche of your blog to YouTube and it is possible to get more visitors on your blog. Don’t you see videos about doing any WordPress stuff on YouTube? I hope every newbie do this. While watching may be the idea of providing information like this has encountered too many. If you have any quality containing video then go for it. Viral marketing is considered in good traffic generation techniques.
  • Try To Get BackLinks On Your Website :- Backlinks on your website will increase your SEO. But remember about good backlinks, not all. There are many blogs to which many other blogs have backlink but instead of increasing SEO of that blog backlinks are decreasing SEO. It’s because search engines like to prefer the blogs with good SEO and if you have backlink of any blog which has poor SEO then it will surely affect yours too. There are many ways to get backlinks one of them is commenting. It is recommended to avoid paid backlinks. You shouldn’t trust the websites which are claiming them to provide you original backlinks. Google doesn’t favor them.
  • Social Media Is Always First :- Social Media – a key for multiplying many stuff. For bloggers, social media plays a great role in their success. When it comes to the question how to get traffic to my website? Social Media is the technique at which you should focus. It is the best to come in contact with many successful blogger. Networking enhances a lot. Don’t you think people are adding in social media day by day. It’s time for you to be a part of it. Google+ and Twitter are the main social networking websites by which bloggers can drive traffic to website.
  • Patience is Always Considered :- Many bloggers lose their patience when they fail to get more visitors to their blog. It’s obvious if we are working hard but not getting positive results then a stage comes when we give up. Why me? It’s not a time to accuse yourself. It’s time to moderate your approach. You need to learn some more traffic generation techniques which can help you. For bloggers, especially for newbies, I would like to like to tell you that have patience you will surely reach your goal. Success is not that much easy, just work hard and your path will come in the light.
  • Make Human Relationships :- I have learnt from many bloggers who are at the highest peak of blogging that making human relationships with readers is the technique which will pass through all traffic generation techniques. When it comes to comment at any blog then bloggers think of getting the backlink but do you ever think about making bonds with the owner of that blog? If you do then you have a positive point because of human relationships last longer in your blogging career. Try to communicate with your readers. Give a reply to their comments.
  • Exchange Links :- Do you even think once why there are many sister websites at any website? The main reason is to drive traffic. You can exchange links with some other websites which contain the same niche as you have. But while exchanging links you should always be safe to check whether the blog with which you are going to exchange link is having any broken link, bad link because it can harm your blog. But there is a simple solution for that, just tag no follow to those links.
  • You Can Join Forums, Online Communities :- There are many online forums to join. The main advantage of these online forums and communities is that bloggers can get in touch with many other bloggers with the same interest. There are many groups related to the niche of your blog in which you can make users aware of the services you are providing. The main advantage of using these forums is that you can build a brand name of your blog. You should build trust among users so that they feel safe to contact you whenever they want.

What’s The Need To Learn Traffic Generation Techniques ?

Now the question arises why bloggers are focusing on these traffic generation techniques? Are these really necessary to follow? In my opinion, it’s hard for newbies to get more visitors without any knowledge.

I was also a beginner, I have faced many problems to drive traffic to a website.

The solution for the question how to get traffic to my website? can make a blogger career hell if he/she doesn’t find the answer.

It is recommended that beginners should have the proper knowledge about these traffic generation techniques which can help them to get some confidence indirectly through visitors. More readers and there you get satisfaction.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Informative post indeed ?

    Yes, these are the very simple and proper ways to generate traffic to your blog that every blogger must follow. I’ve always believed and carried on my blogging journey based on 3-4 from this list like writing content that is unique and your readers love – there is no compromise in that.

    Secondly, building relationships with fellow bloggers and nothing works better as I’ve seen many of such relationships turn into good friendships over time. Thirdly, blog commenting, which of course is part of the second point as it’s only through your comments you build a connection and bond better, isn’t it?

    Also, a strong social media presence is something required nowadays, so one’s to build on that. Not to forget, the most important point is to be patient, just as you mentioned – because everything takes time and so does blogging.

    I’ve no idea about paid links and how people do that, nor have I ever had the time to join forums, which people say are good, but if you can do all that, nothing like it.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead ?

    1. Hello Harleena,

      Thanks for the comment. It is always good to hear from you. After getting your comment somehow I feel that I have done something worthy.

      To get appreciated from a famous writer, blogger like you newbie blogger like me get motivation.


  2. This is a great post, Ravi. You bring up some valid points: good, unique content, good backlinks, blog commenting and relationships on social media with other bloggers. Like Harleena, I have never bought links neither. I have been on a few forums though, but that is time-consuming. It is good to create a balance in all this. I wish you the very best with your blog. I think you will do very well as a blogger. ?

    1. Hi Jeanne,

      Thanks for spending your few minutes at my blog.

      Yes, you are right joining online forums is time consuming that’s the main reason due to which I also don’t like to join any forum. It would be better to spend that time in building our blog, to spread network. Commenting is the best strategy which I love the most.

      And thanks for your wishes.


  3. Hey Ravi,

    I know when I first started blogging everyone use to tell me how easy it was to get traffic to their site and they listed several things you could do but they never went into any explanation about it so I stayed confused.

    It wasn’t until about four years ago that I started really learning how this was all done and I consistently did what I was taught and the traffic slowly started coming.

    I know it starts with your content of course but I think for any new blogger that’s going to be a learning process as well but as you read other blogs and get a sense of people’s voices you eventually come into your own.

    Guest blogging is good but when you’re not that great of a writer I would not recommend that because you need to feel comfortable before diving in.

    For me it was blog commenting that got me in front of enough people in order for them to get curious enough about me to finally start stopping by. I had to do this for months now with no results at all. I only with it all happened overnight. I was connecting with people on social media too and as you get to know one another and found out what you both were involved in then we’d check out each others site.

    Relationships are the key I believe in moving forward with your blog or your business. I also think that each individual has to find what they feel works best for them because not all of them will nor will we be good at them all.

    I love your list though, thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.


    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Yes you are right driving traffic to a blog is not an easy job. In the beginning of blogging career newbies try to find many ways to get more traffic. As you said commenting has the major effect in people’s mind about us and making human relationships is the key. i am also a beginner, not really a beginner but still in my opinion everyone is beginner till one year. I am also trying to learn these tips and personally like to comment at others blog.

      I like to connect with people as many as possible.

      Thanks for your comment.

      Have a good day ahead.


  4. I’ve been reading these post for a quite sometime now cos it has given me a deep understanding of the necessary techniques that will drive more traffic to my site. Getting back links has been used by most bloggers including me, and you’re right it can give your site either good or bad link. I used such method before, I have a huge amount of back links without minding Page ranks, quality and relevance. I must say that – It was the biggest mistake I did.

    SEO and Social Media has been my biggest source of traffic. I also recommend that especially for beginners.

    1. Hey Dirk,

      There are many things to do for driving traffic to your website. You may have done most of the things mentioned above but you know the best thing is to do it effectively. Getting backlinks is not enough. Main thing is that you should build them perfectly to get good quality backlinks.

      Thanks for your presence.


  5. Hey Ravi,

    Looks like I’m 3 years late to this blog, but I do have to say that it’s still relevant today.

    This is one of the most challenging tasks when you’re just starting out, but with experience you will find ways to drive more traffic back to your blog.

    All of these are legit except for maybe exchanging links. This can be risky. I have had a lot of broken links on my blog, but it’s a good thing that I have the broken link checker!

    The one thing I would add is to start commenting on commentluv blog posts. It does help to build backlinks to your blog. Especially if it’s from a popular blog within your niche.

    Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!

    1. Hi Sherman,

      Welcome back.:)

      Traffic is all you need to build a better blog. People are striving to increase the numbers.

      I totally agree with your points. It’s important to keep the blog free from broken links. I always use the broke link checker.

      Blog commenting has always been the best way to interact with more people. Getting more backlinks would be done with that.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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